Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Need You

My Versace perfume.  I only wear two perfumes, and this is one of them.  I am starting to get low as you can see, because I use it so much.  It has such a fresh scent, and to me, it smells high fashion.
My eyelash-curler is my push up bra for my eyes.  Since my eyelashes are so long (and real) they tend to get heavy with lots of mascara on them.  I keep one on me at all times, and just pump them every 3 hours or so.  
Babylips shade 25 Pink Punch, is currently my favorite lip product.  I absolutely love chapstick, but sometimes it can be so boring.  Lipstick is so colorful, but is so chalky.  Babylips is like a bright chapstick, and really brightens my face after a long day.  
Loreal ran out of the color that I wanted and so I just grabbed the last color in stock (138 Pink Resistance).  This has really grown on me, although I don't think I will rebuy in this color, the feel of the actual lip gloss itself is really nice. 
On the Blog Today:
I don't leave without.
I promise I am not a sales person, I just wanted to do a short post on things I don't leave the house without, and get me through the day for a feel of something different.  I think it is important to pack lightly what will keep you looking fresh all day.  And if you didn't guess by the last picture, I never leave without my iPhone.  It is my number one "blogging tool" though the day.  This is a bit different from my other post but if you want to see more stuff like this "more personal", let a sister know. 


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