Monday, April 8, 2013

100th Post + GiveAway!

On the blog today:
Hi Guys! So it is that time.  A giveaway.  I have been wanting to do a giveaway so I set a goal for myself, to hit 600 Instagram followers.  Now I am almost 100 past that, but I wanted to wait til today, because today is my 100th post!  Several outfit posts later, here I am!  I am going to be giving away the necklace I am wearing in this post, that I want to keep! Lol!  Here is what you have to do to enter. 

To Enter:  
And comment on this Post! 

The Giveaway will be open for 1 week, and the winner will be announced on April 15th!
May the odds be ever in your favor.  Just kidding! Good Luck! 



  1. That necklace is gorgeous!Congrats on passing your goal on instagram as well as making it to your 100th post. (:

  2. Hi Cammy! Love the outfit - the necklace goes great with the shirt and I think the orange in the shoes really compliment the necklace. I echo Michelle, congrats! :)

  3. Hey I have the same shirt that you are wearing in the picture. By the way the necklace is really very gorgeous. I just love the statement necklaces. Even I have a huge collection of such necklaces.
    Newbridge Silverware jewelry
