Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prom 2013

 My boo-errthang.

 Shayna makes us all laugh. Such a ham. 
 Oh you know, just my besties grabbing my butt at the same time!
Weslie won Queen! 
 Shay and her boyfriend Isaac.  They are so adorable!
How could I not put this up?!
 Nolan & Brendan.  Don't they look handsome?
   On The Blog Today:
This Week in A Walnut
I have been really slacking on blogging this month but once I explain, maybe you will understand.  When I started my blog, I decided I wouldn't put anything really involving my personal life, that I would try to keep it all fashion related.  But this week as you can see by the pictures, I was getting ready for prom.  Which involves a dress, which is fashion related.  I was planning on having a custom made dress by L'Angelique’s Bridal and my experience wasn't as nice as I thought it would be.  My dress wasn't finished, didn't fit, and looked nothing like the pictures I showed them.  I don’t want to make this all about my awful experience, but a learning lesson for my readers.  If you are getting a dress made for a prom, a wedding, or special event and someone says they can make anything identical, make sure that is %100 true.  Hence, the missing blog posts due to all the drama I had to deal with.

The day before prom, I had to go out and find a dress in a 2 hour time limit, with my boo Shay.  She seriously kept me sane and we actually had so much fun just being together.  But it was very stressful.  In the end I had to resort to JCP and pick one of their last pickings of dresses.  I got so many compliments on this dress.  More than I expected, and every single person was shocked it was from JCP.  It fit like a glove and it made my night so much more stress-free.  In the long run I got to spend the whole night of prom with my boo and her boyfriend, they are so fun.  And also get lots of compliments.  Even from very random guys in In-n-Out at 1AM.  Weird!!  So I will be doing a full outfit post in the dress for the blog soon for detail references!

Stay stress-free peeps, life is more fun that way!


1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous dress! I would have never guessed it was a last minute find after your mishap with the bridal store, it looks perfect on you! Also I totally follow Nikki Phillipi on youtube and instagram, your friend Shayna is her sister, right? I saw Nikki post pictures of her and boyfriend yesterday on instagram! Crazy. You're all so pretty, looking forward to the full outfit post on the dress!
