Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Weekend

On The Blog Today
The Past Days Or So

Hi!  The past couple of days have been a little crazy so if you actually follow my blog, sorry.  I didn't have a photographer to take some of my outfits, and I don’t like to post pointless things.  Let me see, Friday I seriously can’t remember what I did.  Do you ever do that?! Or even the day before, you can’t remember what you did but you know you did something.  Saturday I went to the funeral of a family friend, which was a reality check for my life.  Yesterday was Mother’s Day! My family went down to Ventura, our favorite place and bike road next to the beach.  It was so relaxing!  I had some fun with my prints yesterday if you can’t tell! Haha! So I am just recapping this weekend.
Hope you had a nice Mother’s Day!
Do Anything fun?


  1. Your bike is adorable! I love it. You pull off all those prints together so well! I don't think I could ever do that confidently but I think I might have to push myself to try sometime because I'm loving your outfit in these pictures.

    1. You are so nice! Okay girl! I think what you should do is go in your closet and pick out 3 things that are your favorite, and wear them together!! I swear it works everytime! The bike isn't mine we just rented them, but I plan on getting a cute one like this!! Xoxox
