Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sight Though the Eyes of an Artist

On the Blog Today: Hello!
Where do I start on this post.  First let me say how honored I am to have my face drawn by Moses Alexander Park on Instagram.  Please follow him! (@mosesalexanderpark) I don’t know much about him but I can say that Moses has extreme talent.  This picture I put up on Instagram and it looks identical to the picture!  I am in the process of designing business cards and I am going to make this the center of them.  It is so cool to see the process of a drawing, much more, my face.  A beautiful piece of work, I will cherish forever.  I was so nervous and excited to see this on Instagram, but even more excited to blog about it.  Thank you Moses!

Second, is for all of you ladies in high school, keep your eyes checking in on Last of the Moheak, because I have a really cool event coming up I can’t wait to share, involving something for Prom!  You can now like me on Facebook which will keep you updated and connected with me.  Just click the Facebook icon at the top of the blog.  As soon as I hit 600 followers on Instagram (which I am already so close), I will be doing a give-away, but you will have to like me on FB.

Thank You for stopping by and again,
Please go follow Moses on Instagram.

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