Saturday, March 2, 2013

Quick Hello!

On the Blog Today:
Seriously one of the few moments with my sister.  Everyone meet my sister.  Sister, meet the Moheak-in Family.  Just a quick hello today!  Today was so long and I still have the Insanity workout to do.  Which, quick update on week two.  This week my diet failed but I have lost two pounds and feel amazing.  With my birthday being at the end of the week, it kind of messed up things.  But I have an important event I have to look good at in about two weeks, so the diet starts hard tomorrow!

These pictures were from today having lunch with my mother and sister.  I am always Instagraming and now Vine-ing (lol) so you can follow me by Cammy Morrell or Last of the Moheak.

Hope you guys are having a great weekend,
Love You,
And thanks for stopping by!


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