Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Talking Back


On the Blog Today:
First Day of Spring
I love Spring.  There are so many things that make spring special.  I am a "summer-dresser" not a winter dresser.  Spring is the ultimate entrance of summer.  It gets me ready for everything ahead of me.  All the trees start blooming and the weather isn't so hard to predict.  Neon and floral print are my go to in spring, really anytime of the year, but nothing beats color in the spring time.  When I found this dress two days ago, I couldn't resist the cut-outs.  Cut-outs in dresses give such an interesting vibe. 

Also I got the app Gifboom, and I am seriously obsessed as well as my friends and sister.  I have about every social media account and app under the sun, but Gifboom is my #dorkon app.  I have found a place to put all my random dances, funny faces and weirdness.  So if you have one, follow up!


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