Friday, April 19, 2013

As The Days Go

On the Blog Today:
I have Missed You Guys!
Hi guys!  I cannot believe I have not blogged in 3 days!  I feels like 3 years since I blog almost everyday.  So you know, I don’t take missing days lightly.  I hate it so much!  I really try to blog everyday, but sometimes it is really hard to actually have someone take pictures everyday, since I don’t have an actual photographer. 
My dress is from Lush,  I had to really step out of my comfort zone and wear it.  I was very light and airy, but all black.  Which my brain doesn't take well since I am always in color or neon.  Best dress to feel simply chic in, without having to wear heels or jewelry.

You can follow me on Instagram @lastofthemoheak!
And also on a serious note, I want to make a Youtube video on
questions you want to ask me, to get to know me better.  
I like to know about bloggers I read,
so if you have any questions, please leave a comment(s) below! 


Photo Cred: Shay Mullenger

1 comment:

  1. I would love to know what got you started blogging? And also I've read somewhere on your blog that it is just a hobby for you, so maybe you can talk about what else it is that you do, like whether you work or are a student?
