Monday, April 15, 2013

The Weekend & Giveaway Winner

On the Blog Today:
My Weekend
Hi Guys!  Hope you had a great weekend!  I did, and wanted to share.  My cousin who lives far flew into Cali to have her daughters 1st birthday.  The party was so cute.  It looked like a Pinterest Party.  The kind you look at and think “How did they think of that!?” Lol! Then on Sunday my sis and mom hit the Rose Bowl Flea Market.  So it was a lot of Instagraming, but you know how I am addicted.

Congrats to Michelle Junco for winning my giveaway.  I am very sad that I am sending this necklace away, but so thankful for you reading my blog, liking me on Facebook, and commenting!  And everyone else as well!!! 



  1. How exciting! Thanks! <3 I enjoy your blog so much. That party does look like something straight out of Pintrest, how fun! Also I saw on your instagram the pictures of the letters you posted here, did you ever decide to go back and get some?

    1. Hi Michelle! Will you email me at! Thanks! xoxox, Cam
