Thursday, June 13, 2013

Los Angeles

On the Blog Today:
It's Official 
So if you didn't know, I am now "located" in LA.  I wanted this shirt about 3 weeks ago but just couldn't buy it because I didn't feel it was appropriate.  Now we are here and I am in LA, so it just makes sense right? I felt very proud today wearing it.  Being in LA is just right for me.  I have a new place in my heart for it. And taking an outfit post right in the middle was SO MUCH FUN!  My friend/intern buddy, Kristen took these photos with her camera that I was pretty much drooling over!  The quality is just amazing. We had so much fun and she was even on the floor taking pictures in her new dress!  We go hard in Cali for fashion! So anyways, I hope she gets to take more photos for the blog for you guys! 

Shoes: Steve Madden
Shirt: Forever 21 
Necklace: Charming Charlie
Photos By: Kristen Lengel

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