Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Breaking or Making

 THOUGHT: Today's outfit was more on the daring side.  By daring, I mean most people wouldn't wear this.  There are a lot of fashion rules people like to make.  Well, I like to break them.  Who is to say what is a rule.  Actually,  I lie.  I lie big.  
Rules are BIG in the world of fashion.  Do I like to break them? I was born to break them.  It's more fun that way.  But there is a fine line of breaking rules and making yourself look uneducated.  Looking like you don't know how to dress is worse than not trying.  And I hear that excuse way too much.  "I didn't try today, that's why I'm wearing this."  Let me define.  Leggings are not pants.  I was reading this article of what men think of women who substitute pants for leggings.  One guy said,
 I won't take you seriously as a person." 
I was reading it and I'm like, "Aw, I have to write about this!"  Because it is so true.  Most girls I see or talk to that wear leggings as a replacement, will say that they didn't feel like trying today.  And I'm thinking, then why have you been wearing those same ones for the past month?  People literally think that leggings are the new sweats.  Leggings were designed to wear under dresses and with long tops, to cover, well, the essentials.   Woman should invest in a good pair of pants like jeans or pants.  So back to what I was saying (lol) breaking rules can be miscommunicated.  But it can be done. 
HOW TO BREAK: Today I wore neon green top with the same color pocka-dotted pants.  And I thought to myself, this could be a little much?  So to tame it down (ahh, get it? tame?) I put on a fur vest.  Now not so much green is showing on the shirt and it doesn't seem so in your face.    So if you are wearing too much of one color, throw something on that's more neutral, to set the outfit off. May sound crazy but it works.  You don't want to be walking around looking like a human size lime. Nam Saying.  

POINT:  Breaking rules is like the closing the door and another one opens.  You have break a rule and some how find to follow one so you're not completely going all down hill.  Throw it off, pick it up.  Mess it up, bring it back.  Be yourself.  Be playful.  Be daring. 

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