Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Still Calling

On the Blog Today:
A little obsessed?
I have a relationship with clothes.  When I fall for an item, I fall hard. I play mad favorites in my closet.  I consider my closet a family.  I play the mom figure; making sure they stay clean and neat, are where they need to be, and occasionally get a night out.  But when I find a "child that doesn't give me a hard time", I am going to love that child a little more.  These children tend to look like:  No blisters, stretchy, comfortable, squishy, warm, light, non-sweat seeing. 

Lately I have tended to my faux fur jacket, Levi's jeans, oxfords, and denim shirts.  They are so easy! Especially since Cali has been cold in the mornings and warm in the evenings, these things just do the trick.  Yesterday I was up at 4am and didn't get home until 10pm.  I haven't been this tired since the last time I traveled and was jet-lagged.   But being gone all day and having a lot of walking going on, of course I picked my favorite children to help me do the job. 

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