Thursday, April 11, 2013


On the Blog Today:
Although I like to keep this blog related to my outfits, it is fun to open up and talk about old times.  Or show embarrassing times.  Which ever, I am not much of a throwback Thursday kind of gal, but as I looked through some old photos today, I felt that I wanted to share.  Up above is what I wore today.  It was nice to wear something easy going since I didn’t do my hair what so ever today.  Oh my gosh! I got so many compliments on my hair! 

I was such a chunker. 

My grandma and I.  We have always been close.  That hair though!

Didn’t match then, don’t match now!  Solid, plaid and checkers. 
I didn’t choose this life… it chose me. 

This pose looks a little familiar.   

My brother and one of my sisters.  What were we thinking?!   

Happy Thursday!

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