Hey everyone! Just so you know I am not blogging on this platform anymore. You can find my new blog over at lastofthemoheak.com! It is much easier to navigate and leave comments, plus I think it just looks much more organized. I left blogger up so if anyone wanted to look at my older post from 2012 they can. Plus if I ever need these photos, they are not deleted.. So anyways, head on over to the new blog and let me know what you think. And sorry for the late notice, I literally just thought of posting this! xoxo
Friday, February 7, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Who Takes My Photos?
I felt on top of the world today. With my shoes. LOL! I actually I had a horrible migraine today, I think from being on the computer too long. So aside from me feeling cute... I didn’t feel that good. I usually try not to get too personal on the blog, keeping it just my outfits and my opinions on them, as well as how much I love California, but today you are going to get something very personal. BRACE YO-SELF! My mom is the one who takes my photos 98% of the time. The other day she was like “Cam you never give me credit on your photos on your blog but you do to other people.” So I decided to give her a little credit today! At the end of the day, my mom is usually available and I always take my photos on the streets closest to my home. And yes I still live with my parents. I moved out for a very very short time, and hated every second of it. I always had this feeling that I would live with my parents until I got married. There is something very special about having a house/place and I want to share that with my hubby one day along with everything else. So yes we just got very personal, I live with my parents, AND I LOVE IT! And I actually hang out with them every Friday. Expedition Ivy always makes fun of me! Hopefully I end up finding my husband soon or else I might be living with them forever... Sorry Dad! LOL! Maybe I will get my wish, and Cameron Dallas will realize I live in California too, and come find me. And then we would go on a date to in-n-out. And to six flags. I always wanted to date a Viner. Now everyone give me a hand five for stepping out and telling you something. Ready. One. Two. Three! *YEAHHH* On that stupid side note, thank you mom for taking my photos and being patient when I make you take so many pictures because I am super picky. If you have been following the blog for awhile let my mom know what you think about her skills! Love you guys..
dress/top: f21, bag/shoes: steve madden, sunnies:cole haan, rings: grandmothers, watch: target
photos by tammy morrell a.k.a mommah bear
Sunday, January 19, 2014
My Little Black Dress
Happy Sunday Lovelies! I promised an outfit post this weekend and here it is! It wasn’t until about 5 months ago when I bought this dress, that I actually owned a “Little Black Dress.” Now that I do, I can tell you that it is actually very nice having that one piece that can be worn to multiple places but I can still feel myself and chic. Plus this dress is just so much fun! I have been getting so many questions about my shoes lately and unfortunately they are discontinued! I bought them just in the knick of time. If you don’t have a LBD you should def go get one! And buy one that really represents you. So you can wear it in your regular attire, by itself, or when “that” event comes up. At least have fun while society tell you what you should own in your closet. LOL! Have a great rest of your weekend, be safe, be positive and go follow me on Twitter for updates on my life when I am not on Instagram! Love you all! Mwuah!
dress: pink, bag: steve madden, sunnies: cole haan
Friday, January 17, 2014
Insta-Cam! iPhone/Instagram Update.
Thank goodness for Instagram and Twitter because without them, I would not be able to keep up with people. I just can’t wait for the time change in Spring so I can get in an outfit post everyday just like I used to. Even if I work all day! BTW if you would like a work update, work is awesome! Love it. Love the positivity. Love the people. Love the creativity. I am learning so much and can’t wait to take what I learn and use it on the blog. This is an update of my week. Everything from morning selfies, meals, work runs. It’s all here! I always have in-n-out because it is very easy, fast and cheap. Also incredibly tasteful. And I always snap photos of palm trees when ever I see them. They remind me of my center in Cali, and I have just always loved them! Hope you guys had an amazing week! Have a safe weekend, and I will have at least one outfit post up this weekend so check back with ya home gurl!
also check out expedtionivy cause she is the best!
also check out expedtionivy cause she is the best!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Getting Inspired for 2014

On the Blog Today:
Welcome to my inspiration corner! In my opinion, I think humans get inspired from visual things. People who want to loose weight save Victoria Secret catalog magazines, put fat pictures on the fridge, and follow fitness Instagram accounts. People who want a cute boyfriend/husband, make their screen lock a picture of Ryan Gosling and watch Crazy Stupid Love on their days off. And to look taller, they put reminders in their phone to keep good posture. Or am I the only one? Mhmm, you know what I am talking about! So don’t lie to yourself! LOL! I find for my personal style I tend to be very very visual. That is why I surround myself with inspirational pictures on my wall, iPhone, and desktop. I look through endless magazines and rip the pages that I think I can relate to or I would like to try. Even with beauty things, I curl my hair the same way every day so I pin pictures of fishtail braids and such reminding me that I live in a very small box and it is OK to come out of it! LOL! The best part of putting up all these pages, is I look at them all the time, considering it is half a wall, so the inspiration cannot escape my mind. I had always wanted to have a whole wall of just magazine pages at work, but with a couple huge job transitions this year, I figured why not just do it at home? And I decided that this year this is going to be my number one place to express the thoughts in my head and I am hoping it inspires me to try new things and mix and match more! My favorite thing to do! Do you guys do anything with your old magazines? Or do you just stash them away?
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